Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seattle 4-Month Bike Town

SDOT Re-Stripe of Nickerson Street

So, I overheard (in a liberal coffee shop) a liberal guy talking about biking in Seattle.  "Seattle is a 4-month bike town"' says he.  RIGHT ON!  What are we going to do when it's 35F and raining?  All crowd into 1 lane on Nickerson Street and stare at each others taillights is what.  Even on the Shame Train (Metro Transit), you'll be sitting.  Nickerson Street used to be the rare East-West road in this town that could get you there quicker.   Not anymore, thanks to Mayor McGinn's "road diet" (stupid name).

Democrats generally support abortion and are against the death penalty.  Republicans generally are anti-abortion and for the death penalty.  Something seems wrong with both stances. Who out there is anti-abortion and anti-death penalty?  Who out there is pro-abortion and pro-death penalty?  That is 4 stances I just offered.  To be featured in my next blog, be the first to guess my stance.  I will post a bit of biography of us (I should know you, who doesn't know me that reads this blog?)!

Get your ideas and stances ready as later this week I give you point on upcoming Initiatives on the ballot in Washington state.

1 comment:

  1. 4-month riding in Seattle is for people that only watch the Mariners when they're winning. Real fans watch the Ms every year through all the pain. Real cycle commuters ride year-round. It's very rarely 35 and raining. 42 and raining happens all the time but isn't so bad. At about 35 the lube on my brake cable freezes up and locks the brakes (open or closed, I've had both).

